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 مدونة إيلاف

جديد الموقع :

 المفكر الاسلامي السيد محمد علي الحسيني نحتاج الى المراة في كافة ميادين المجتمع

 العلامة السيد محمد علي الحسيني في مشاركة له في المؤتمر الدولي لتعليم الفتيات في المجتمعات المسلمة بين التحديات والفرص المنعقد في باكستان

 العلامة الحسيني في مؤتمر اسلام اباد الدولي تعليم الفتيات في المجتمعات المسلمة : التحديات والفرص

 العلامة السيد محمد علي الحسيني عن فقه التجارة

 كتب العلامة السيد محمد علي الحسيني عن فقه الواقع

 كتب العلامة السيد محمد علي الحسيني عن فقه الأسرة

 كتب العلامة السيد محمد علي الحسيني فقه الإعلام

 كتب العلامة السيد محمد علي الحسيني فقه الميت

 كتب العلامة السيد محمد علي الحسيني فقه وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي في عالمنا المعاصر

 العلامة السيد محمد علي الحسيني عن فقه الإنجاب

خدمات :

    • الصفحة الرئيسية
    • أرشيف المواضيع
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مواضيع متنوعة :

 تعلن حوزة بني هاشم عن افتتاح دورة للعلوم الدينيّة .

 علامه سید محمد علی حسینی همراه با شرکت کنندگان پیرو ادیان آسمانی، نماز مشترک

 العلامة الحسيني يشكر الإمارات على مبادراتها الإنسانية ووقفتها الأخوية

  احتفال للمجلس ا لاسلامي العربي لمناسبة مرور عامين على تأسيسه

 Dr Mohamad Ali Elhusseini Islamophobia is a cruel tax, caused by the distorted image of Islam

  نحو مجتمع عادل ومعافى المساواة في فكر الإمام علي

 كتب العلامة السيد محمد علي الحسيني عن فقه التأني

 الندوة العالمية للأخوة الإنسانية تجمعنا نحو مجتمع متسامح ومتعايش

 العلامة الحسيني من بروكسل في ظل دعوة الأديان لحب الأوطان واجب على المجتمعات المسلمة أن تحترم القوانين وتخلص للأوطان التي تعيش فيها

 الوطن في المنظور الإسلاميّ مع ضيف الحلقة العلامة السيد محمد علي الحسيني

إحصاءات :

    • الأقسام الرئيسية : 3

    • الأقسام الفرعية : 21

    • عدد المواضيع : 1103

    • التصفحات : 308399913

    • التاريخ :


  • القسم الرئيسي : لغات أخرى .

        • القسم الفرعي : English .

              • الموضوع : Islamic Arabic Council revived the third anniversary of its founding .

Islamic Arabic Council revived the third anniversary of its founding



    Islamic Arabic Council revived the third anniversary of its founding  


Islamic Arabic Council revived the third anniversary of its founding with a celebration rally in the presence of Secretary General Mr. Mohammad Ali Al Husseini, and the presence of members of the Shura Council and the Heads of Departments in the Council, and district officials, and thousands of supporters. Honored and included the founding members and heads of departments, were given medals of the Board, amid media coverage of the banner.

And Al-Husseini delivered a comprehensive statement in which he detailed the establishment phase and its objectives, which came in response to political and sectarian divisions in Lebanon and the region. He went to the unifying voice of the Arab Islamic Council identity and Islamic origin, calling for rejection of divisions, and to avert the danger of sectarian strife abhorrent, in Lebanon, as in other Arab countries.

Husseini stressed that the development of the Council and the growing size was noticeable within a few months so into one of the key players in Lebanon. Reaching reverberations and achievements to all Arab countries.

 Husseini mark the second anniversary of the founding of the tenth of October to October 2008, which constitutes a milestone in the history of the Council, announced that on the following year will be the "Arabism" in Lebanon, so that the Council establish a number of institutions required to call the monotheistic Islamic Arab, and to emphasize that the Shiites Arabs, like their brethren in all Arab countries are part and parcel of an effective fabric of Islamic Arab Council one and unified. Also stopped when there is a launch Islamic Arab resistance to break the monopoly of the sacred right to defend its land and people, and to bear arms does not turn the utmost resistance to other purposes affecting the domestic Lebanese or Arab, and threaten national.

Husseini announced that the most important achievements of the Council was to find a political line Shiite Muslim Arab, and Lebanese, characterized by moderation, and pulled people from the state of division and sharp religious grouping in Lebanon, and established at the Shiite third force broke the monopoly which has existed for years in our country. And dedicated the Lebanese Shi'ite reference at first, and then turned into a revered Shi'ite Arab people look forward to our community in all Arab countries. He continued that in the Arab world has been laid line political line based on respect for the specificity of each Arab state in dealing with their children, to any sect or denomination they belong to, and managing the internal affairs of their own. And respond decisively to any attempt of Foreign Affairs, especially non-Arab, to tamper with the security of any Arab state. Inspired by these principles, the behavior of political practice, has witnessed several Arab countries, some of the problems and unrest among the Shia population and the authorities.For example, to persuade our fellow Shiites in Iraq, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, Qatar and Oman, the need for dialogue with the government to address any problem and achievement of the requirements if any He added that at the social level we organized a series of campaigns for the distribution of aid they received from the Arab brothers, and our work to secure more of them on every occasion, especially during the holy month of Ramadan each year, or in the seasons to enter the schools, in the harsh winters in Lebanon. After reviewing the achievements Husseini referred to the difficulties that angered the Council in the last year suffered a severe financial crisis, and suffered much to preserve the continuity of their institutions, especially ones that deal with the assistance of the needy, or dealing with religious affairs, in view of the requirements of financial budgets are not available to us This reached the point of considering closing transaction. We have begun debate on the issue within the bodies of the Council first, and then through the media. But the messages and communications that conveyed to us from various Arab countries and Arab communities in Europe encouraged and urged us not to give in to the hard realities. He said that at the gates of the fourth year of renewed commitment to continue on the path of Islam, Arabism and announce to revive the project of "Arabism" in Lebanon, through the development of an integrated action plan leading to the establishment of all institutions and enterprises, especially the television, hospital, school, university and library, Arab funds, We will work to secure, and targets a purely Arab endeavor to achieve them.

He continued that the path of Jihad needs to be a long work and dedication of everyone in the Council of the Islamic Arab world. This is a new promise of our nation and will not tire, we will not bother to do so. In contrast, this jihad needs to support all the children of the nation, the leaders of the countries and peoples, support all forms of support, especially financial support He concluded that in this area we conduct ourselves Arab leaders, meet and consult, talk, and advice in the best ways for our common Arab. Therefore renew our call to all concerned Arab and Islamic affairs in the Arab countries, for hosting us and listen to the prayer, and we thank them very much..

Media department Islamic Arabic Council.



 رابط فيديو كلمة سماحة العلامة السيد محمد علي الحسيني

في احتفال المجلس الإسلامي العربي 2009 


 فيديو : تقرير نشاطات المجلس الإسلامي العربي 2009 





    طباعة   ||   أخبر صديقك عن الموضوع   ||   التاريخ : 2009/10/12   ||   القرّاء : 302792




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